Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dumb things I've done / Don't lose the cash

This series is becoming a bit off the "Random Thoughts" path but my stupidity seems to manifest itself at random times so I guess it qualifies....

Several years ago, my son was involved with the Boy Scout program (He's an Eagle Scout now). He participated actively in the annual fundraising event; selling wreaths. He had collected about $500 in cash and checks in an envelop to be turned in to the troop. The envelop was sitting on the countertop one day waiting to be hand delivered at the following week's troop meeting. Somehow a pile of letters (bills to be paid) got left on top of the envelop. Somehow the whole pile of envelopes got put into the mailbox and picked up by the postal carrier the next day.

Several days later, I started looking for the wreath money and couldn't find it. hmmmmm, where could it have gone? $500 is a bunch of cash just to disappear.... Then it hit me. The mailbox! Oh no! How could I do such a thing? Now what!

I made a call to the post office and simply asked: "Hello, do you by any chance, have an unsealed envelope full of cash?" They said, "well yes we do, would you like it?" I said, "yes, I would really appreciate it". They said, stop by the post office today, ring the bell at the door behind the PO boxes and ask for "sally". I did just that and without any discussion was handed my son's envelop full of cash.... That was a lucky day!

Maybe I should have made that call to all the other post offices in the surrounding area...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Dumb things I've done / Know when to quit.

When you're in the middle of a long project using power tools and it's getting near the end of the day and you're tired from working all day and you have a thought "I'll just cut one more board quickly (even if it is a tricky cut) and then we can quit for the day".

Stop while you're ahead!

Don't turn on the table saw!

Spend the rest of your energy cleaning the job site or reading the safety manual for the saw instead. Have a cold beverage. Read your email. Comb your hair. Just stand there and look at your shoes. Do anything but turn on the saw!